You will not be able to use very many for any one practice period,
because a longer time than usual should be spent with each one.
Today’s idea should be applied as follows:
First, name the situation:
“I am concerned about ______.”
Then go over every possible outcome which has occurred to you in
that connection and which has caused you concern, referring to each
one quite specifically, saying:
“I am afraid ______ will happen.”
If you are doing the exercises properly, you should have some five or
six distressing possibilities available for each situation you use, and
quite possibly more. It is much more helpful to cover a few situations
thoroughly than to touch on a larger number.
As the list of anticipated outcomes for each situation continues,
you will probably find some of them, especially those which occur to
you toward the end, less acceptable to you. Try, however, to treat
them all alike to whatever extent you can.
After you have named each outcome of which you are afraid,
tell yourself:
“That thought is an attack upon myself.”
Conclude each practice period by repeating today’s idea once more.
BRITNEY ADDED: If we think we can be attacked, then we believe in a self that is vulnerable. If we believe in a self that is vulnerable and that can be attacked, then we are accepting a False self in place of what we truly are. Todays lesson is very practical, and is to be done 6 times today, for 1-2minutes each time. We can apply the lesson to each situation that arises in the mind. I would suggest referencing the Course Lesson and doing it exactly as Jesus suggests us to do it.
If you experience resistance to this thought, it is only because ego wants to continue feeling vulnerable, depressed, fearful or anxious.... And wants to still believe that it CAN attack, and can BE attacked.
Be willing to apply the lesson for today, regardless of what resistance comes up.... So that you may experience that what you truly ARE is void of all fear, attack and depression etc... and free, complete, whole, perfect and entirely UNharmable. We must let go of the idea of this false self FIRST, before we awaken and remember our true identity and reality.
So thank YOU for seeking in your mind for all the thoughts of attack and fear that may be present there, so that you can have them undone at the cause, in the mind, and be a demonstration to others of the freedom you have remembered because of this. Love and Peace everyone xo