I am never upset for the reason I think.
This idea, like the preceding one, can be used with any person, situation or event you think is causing you pain. Apply it specifically to whatever you believe is the cause of your upset, using the description of the feeling in whatever term seems accurate to you. The upset may seem to be fear, worry, depression, anxiety, anger, hatred, jealousy or any number of forms, all of which will be perceived as different. This is not true. However, until you learn that form does not matter, each form becomes a proper subject for the exercises for the day. Applying the same idea to each of them separately is the first step in ultimately recognizing they are all the same.
When using the idea for today for a specific perceived cause of an upset in any form, use both the name of the form in which you see the upset, and the cause which you ascribe to it. For example:
I am not angry at ___ for the reason I think.
I am not afraid of ___ for the reason I think.
But again, this should not be substituted for practice periods in which you first search your mind for "sources" of upset in which you believe, and forms of upset which you think result.
In these exercises, more than in the preceding ones, you may find it hard to be indiscriminate, and to avoid giving greater weight to some subjects than to others. It might help to precede the exercises with the statement:
There are no small upsets.
They are all equally disturbing to my peace of mind.
Then examine your mind for whatever is distressing you, regardless of how much or how little you think it is doing so.
You may also find yourself less willing to apply today's idea to some perceived sources of upset than to others. If this occurs, think first of this:
I cannot keep this form of upset and let the others go.
For the purposes of these exercises, then, I will regard them all as the same.
Then search your mind for no more than a minute or so, and try to identify a number of different forms of upset that are disturbing you, regardless of the relative importance you may give them. Apply the idea for today to each of them, using the name of both the source of the upset as you perceive it, and of the feeling as you experience it. Further examples are:
I am not worried about ___ for the reason I think.
I am not depressed about ___ for the reason I think.
Three or four times during the day is enough.
Britney Added: We often try to solve our upsets and discomforts ourselves. We hope that they will pass if we apply our own form of healing/spirituality to it. Yet, what we are learning here, is we do NOT know the reason for our upset, and thus we must step aside and let healing happen from a higher level of consciousness. This higher level of consciousness IS the holy spirit, it IS Jesus.... and thus when we let healing happen from within by stepping out of the way... then the TRUE reason from our upset rises from our subconscious mind...to be looked at with conscious awareness, to THEN be undone at its CAUSE.
Either we heal wholly or not at all, and currently we are seeing from a limited, separated perspective. Thus we must call to our inner teacher who KNOWS, so that we are taught what the cause is to let it go once and for all.
We must become open and honestly NOT know what the reason for our upset it, in order to move past the thinking mind, to the TRUE reason that lies beyond all thought.
Enjoy this video. I do hope its most helpful.
Love and peace
Britney Shawley's website www.miraclesofmind.org