Lesson 74

“There is no will but God’s.”

The idea for today can be regarded as the central thought toward
which all our exercises are directed. God’s is the only will.When you
have recognized this, you have recognized that your will is His.The
belief that conflict is possible has gone. Peace has replaced the strange
idea that you are torn by conflicting goals. As an expression of the
Will of God, you have no goal but His.

There is great peace in today’s idea. And the exercises for today
are directed towards finding it. The idea itself is wholly true.
Therefore it can not give rise to illusions.Without illusions conflict is
impossible. Let us try to recognize this today, and experience the
peace this recognition brings.

Begin the longer practice periods by repeating these thoughts
several times, slowly and with firm determination to understand
what they mean and to hold them in mind:

“There is no will but God’s.
I cannot be in conflict.”

Then spend several minutes in adding some related thoughts, such as:

“I am at peace.”
“Nothing can disturb me. My will is God’s.”
“My will and God’s are one.”
“God wills peace for His Son.”

During this introductory phase, be sure to deal quickly with any
conflict thoughts that may cross your mind.Tell yourself immediately:

“There is no will but God’s.
These conflict thoughts are meaningless.”

If there is one conflict area which seems particularly difficult to
resolve, single it out for special consideration.Think about it briefly
but very specifically, identify the particular person or persons and the
situation or situations involved, and tell yourself:

“There is no will but God’s.
I share it with Him.
My conflicts about _____ cannot be real.”

After you have cleared your mind in this way, close your eyes
and try to experience the peace to which your reality entitles you.
Sink into it, and feel it closing around you. There may be some
temptation to mistake these attempts for withdrawal, but the
difference is easily detected. If you are succeeding, you will feel a
deep sense of joy and an increased alertness, rather than a feeling of
drowsiness and enervation. Joy characterizes peace. By this
experience will you recognize that you have reached it.

If you feel yourself slipping off into withdrawal, quickly repeat
the idea for today and try again. Do this as often as necessary. There is
definite gain in refusing to allow retreat into withdrawal, even if you
do not experience the peace you seek.

In the shorter periods, which should be undertaken at regular
and predetermined intervals today, say to yourself:

“There is no will but God’s.
I seek His peace today.”

Then try to find what you are seeking. A minute or two every half-hour, with eyes closed if possible, would be well spent on this today.

Britney Added: There is great peace in today's idea. And the exercises for today are directed towards finding it. the idea itself i wholly true. Therefore it can not give rise to illusions. Without illusions conflict is impossible. Let us try to recognize this today, and experience the peace this recognition brings.

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