People Unspoiled vs Spoiled, One Better?
LISAonthego's definition: Spoiled is one given the necessities, advantages and luxuries in life. Unspoiled is one that works and earns all their necessities and luxuries in life. People unspoiled vs spoiled, one better?
We all have judgements of an unspoiled or spoiled person. LISAonthego says in theory neither is healthy. Think of a rubber band. On one end a spoiled person and on the other end an unspoiled person. We are not given choices of how our parents choose to raise us and spend their monies. Yes, employment, education and circumstances of our parents lives impact our childhood's.
What is common of the unspoiled and spoiled person?
It is not what we are given or struggle for in our lives. The commonality are our morals, values and ethics that are taught to us along the way. Also, life experience and how we engage. Oh look, they have all that and Oh look, they don't have anything. Unspoiled versus spoiled person is ultimately who they are as a person? Not what they are. Meaning, what they wear, employments, hairstyle, makeup, cars, homes, vacations etc. Who are they're as people is what matters. Both could be appreciative, loving, caring, supportive and well-liked.
One that is given material items, possessions or services does make life easier. LISAonthego sees the middle class find the middle of the rubber band. They give some things and have the children work for some others. Overall its a give and take being spoiled or unspoiled neither works.
People that are on the opposite ends of the rubber band doesn't work. Both ends tend to feel entitled, privileged, over-indulged, greedy, etc.
LISAonthego - it's not about spoiled vs unspoiled. Its about being taught to love ourselves and who we are as people.
LISAonthego doesn't like you for your monies, possessions, materials items that you have or don't have in your life. She likes you, for you. How do you treat her? Do your actions follow your words? (priceless). Have fun and laugh? Enjoy talking and having great conversations? Go to events, shopping, movies or a walk and talk? Care about others and are supportive? Encourage others to be the best they could be? Do you listen and offer advice from your heart? Give your time for family and friends? (priceless). These are things that matter in life. Who you are and How you treat others? These are priceless.
In conclusion unspoiled vs spoiled are similar and its about who we are that truly matters.
Have a great day! Love, Laughter & Peace, LISAonthego
#spoiled vs unspoiled people, #who are you, #empower you, #be the best you could be, #OPEN your heart, #RELAX your body, EASE your thoughts, #