Does What You Are, Impact Your Life?

LISAonthego says yes. Who you are; is utmost important.

Defining What You Are? This is how we present materially to the world: Our clothes, makeup, careers, cars, homes, vacations, education etc.

What we are is an emotion to how we feel about ourselves. It’s the presence we set to the world. If we feel awesome, we portray awesome, if we feel sad, we portray sad. This affects how we feel about ourselves. It influences our self-esteem and confidence. Therefore it's important to work daily what we are. Taking actions that make ourselves feel good about us. For example, showering, styling our hair, makeup, the clothes we wear, cleaning our homes, office desk, car, taking time off from our routines and going to the movies, beach, mountains, boating, skiing, bowling, dancing, going to a sporting; music; theater event etc.

What you are is about entertaining our ego minds that make our heart sings.

No one has an easy life; we all have drama and stories in our lives. However what you are influences your whole being. We experience the highs and lows in life. Learning in the low times, not feeling well, in treatment, feeling symptoms from an illness, losing a job, someone dying, financial issues etc. These are the times to get up and take an action of what you are so you feel your best. Take time off from life and do something that makes you feel good about you. Go shopping, meet a friend, go somewhere etc.

By taking care of what we are impacts our own lives. You are most important. You make the choices in your own life. You have your own journey and others could be there lovingly to support us on our journey. Ultimately our journeys are our own, our own choices and the path we choose for us. Others are here to teach us or we teach them and go along for the ride together.

What are you doing for you today that affects what you are?

Love, Laughter & Peace, LISAonthego

#what you are #empower you #lisaonthego #who you are

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