Fall Back
Fall Back. It’s coming into the Fall season and a time of reflection is upon us. The sun goes down much earlier, the crisp cooler air in the mornings and that nesting period slowly creeps upon us.
It’s the time we start focusing on who and what we are. Where we have been, what has worked or not.
Does reflecting on the past year have benefits?
LISAonthego says yes. Others feel the past is in the past and let it go. Not for LISAonthego. She finds many benefits on reflecting on the current year. She asks herself:
- How are the ambitions going she set at the New Year?
- (https://spiritualfitnessonthego.com/new-year-ambitions/)
- What has been working, challenges and blocks?
- What could be done differently?
- Is she at peace?
- What’s new and what has changed?
- Where does she see herself by the year end?
This reflection is in her relationships, career, who she is and what she is.
The past challenges are great using tools for her. She appreciates and is grateful for the wonderful teachers in her life the good, the bad and the ugly. LISAonthego is also choosing no drama, unfair criticism or being controlled/bullied by others.
What does she do when drama arises?
By reflecting on the year and past experiences she is now going within herself and listening. When the situation or event occurs how could she have done it differently? She reviews the drama, listens and looks to have a positive result.
Here is an example that is impacting her life. When a drama situation or event occurs, she now walks away, finds her peace and this could be several days, weeks etc. for her to find the best solution for her. In addition, she has learned when offended, just because she forgives you for everything you didn’t do or say, she doesn’t need or have to interact the same as before. This past year LISAonthego has closed relationship doors, walked away and cooled the relationships or accepted the occurrence and moved forwards.
There is no right or wrong answer. Yes, there is; this is about her and what she wants in your life. Someone else’s advice, opinions or observations is just that and nothing else. It’s about LISAonthego and what works for her.
Reflecting on What and Who is LISAonthego?
Who is LISAonthego she’s loving, in love with her, her own best friend, smart, beautiful, fun, great smile, listener, supportive, out of the box thinker, caring, she speaks from her heart, truthful etc.
What is LISAonthego? This is new for her. What are you? Is your expression to the world visually: clothes, makeup, jewelry, home, job, career etc. She is realizing this is just as important as who you are.
When LISAonthego feels good about what she is this has her feeling good about herself. She feels enlightened, giggly, and that warm fuzzy feeling when you’re at your best.
LISAonthego is bringing more of this to her life because who you are and what you are is the whole you. Bring the best you to your day.
Fall back is time for LISAonthego to reflect the past year and her ambitions and choose her path. How about you?
Have a great day! Love, Laughter & Peace, LISAonthego