Feeling in the Low Mode, LisaOnTheGo Show
Feeling in the Low Mode, LisaOnTheGo Show
LisaOnTheGo Show is diversified, longer blogs, guest speakers, and topics talked more in depth. This is awesome, fabulous, informative, detailed information. Come read, watch or listen today. The full show is on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/posts/16416928
Feeling in the Low Mode - LisaOnTheGo Blogger
What happens when we hit those low times and our lives are spinning? It keeps spinning and we fall. It happens to all of us. During these times, we could get right back up, wait some time and find our way on a new path or we stay in the low mode path.
During the low mode time an event, circumstance or event occurred and takes our breath away. However, during this time, we are busy catching our breaths, trying to find our way and trying to get through the day.
Being in fear and listening to others is being a victim and you're giving your power away.
What do you do? come read, watch or listen the full LisaOnTheGo at https://www.patreon.com/posts/16416928
LisaOnTheGo BLOGGER has Launched her Patreon Page! Exciting, fabulous, amazing videos at https://www.patreon.com/spiritualfitnessonthego
If you aren’t familiar with Patreon, it’s an easy way to support the continuous creative hard-work by LisaOnTheGo. By contributing as little as $5 per month, patrons will enable her to dedicate more of her time to creating by helping cover the many costs incurred.
Come watch LisaOnTheGo grow her Patreon site, one day at a time for the next few months, every day, Monday-Friday at least one video will be uploaded. Great videos of Yoga, Guided-Meditation, Inspired Speakers and LisaOnTheGo Blogs.
Come to Patreon today and be at the beginning of the adventure with LisaOnTheGo creating her Patreon Site.
If you’re not in the position to become my patron, no worries at all! She’d be so happy to hear any feedback. Awesome if you could share her Patreon page too.
Thanks so much for your support! Love, Laughter & Peace, LisaOnTheGo
Patreon Page URL:https://www.patreon.com/spiritualfitnessonthego