Focused? Is this important? Why? LisaOnTheGo Blogger

Focused? Is this important? Why? LISAonthego says yes. What is being focused? To give one's attention, thoughts, and concentration to another, example: a project, relationship, subject in school etc. This blog is about having a relationship. When you are with LISAonthego she is focused on you with her undivided attention.

Have you ever made the time for someone’s company whether personal or business and they are distracted?

You know it's not where they want to be or you could tell their minds are elsewhere. They are texting, on the phone, fiddling around, looking around and not focused on you. This makes LISAonthego uncomfortable and not wanting to engage again anytime soon.

LISAonthego has learned when you want her attention or is expected she stops, finishes what she is doing, or puts it aside until later and takes a few breaths then will engage with you. She has learned to do to others what she wants to be done for her and being present and focused is important for her. It’s also about you feeling worthy and having the other person feel important for those moments too. It’s the time you commit and choose to be with others and on your terms, no one is forcing you to engage. LISAonthego has learned juggling the business and being a mom regardless of the hat she is wearing; you know you are important and heard. This leaves a feeling of being loved, wanted and needed. This leaves a positive feeling for you and the other person feeling wanted, honored and respected.

Being focused when with others is important.

When you commit yourself to a business or meet a friend or your child comes to talk about their day etc. it is important you focus on them. For LISAonthego this is engaging and feeling worthy, she gives her time and you give yours that is mutually engaging. In each moment we are asking for love or giving love and in each moment when engaging this is being fulfilled. We all want to be and feel important. So when you choose to work, be with another person, talk on the phone, be present, be focused and know you're important.

In conclusion, everyone wants to feel special. When you take the time to focus on others they know they are loved and liked. The positive experiences that come from focusing could be amazing, better relationships, business relationships, loyalty and everyone benefits etc.

Time is priceless so get the most and focus, time is something we can’t go back on.

Have a great day. LisaOnTheGo


#Time is priceless so get the most and focus, time is something we can’t go back on




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