“Life is an adventure when you live it with an open heart.”
- Talk #1: “What is Spirituality?” Kalie explains how it relates to both religion and science.
- Talk #1: "What is Spirituality?" (FREE Clip)
- Talk #2: The Energy of Consciousness.(FREE Clip)
- Talk #2: The Energy of Consciousness. Kalie talks about two fundamental conscious states that determine our happiness and presents the conclusion of research on these two states.
- Talk #3: Kalie explains the concepts in her new book “Breaking Free from Critical Addiction: (FREE Clip)
- Talk #3: Kalie explains the concepts in her new book “Breaking Free from Critical Addiction: Our #1 Social Disease.”
“The Heart is open to the degree to which we allow things to simply be what they are.” From our hearts, we have clarity about “what is”, free of judgments and assumptions, and can take appropriate action to create balance and harmony. As our hearts open and expand, we have a healthy desire to understand and heal all aspects of ourselves, others and our environment in ways that are loving, natural and conscious. As we heal consciously, we find purpose and value for our life’s experiences instead of regrets.
LISA-On-The-Go – Kalie Marino has come into my life at my lowest point. Kalie (biography below) taught me to learn about me and that strengthened my self-esteem and confidence it also showed me unconditional love. I am so grateful and appreciative to Kalie. She is an inspiration to life and her knowledge to teach us differently. I love and learned a lot from her book “Critical Addiction: Our #1 Social Disease and her conversations are enlightening to help me move forwards through life. Kalie thank you for being the angel in my life!
Kalie Marino has a masters degree in social work, specializing in individual, marriage, family, couples and group therapy from the University of Iowa. She is a licensed social worker, holistic psychotherapist, spiritual counselor, ordained interfaith minister, certified hypnotherapist and certified NES practitioner who uses an integrative approach to counseling.
Kalie has taught a variety of transformational processes all across the nation for over 36 years and given seminars on A Course in Miracles since 1978. Her unusual background in both quantum physics and metaphysics makes her uniquely qualified to share a practical perspective on spirituality and healing. Kalie is a certified NES practitioner, integrating the mind/body into her approach to wellness at the quantum physics level. She is certified in EMDR, the breakthrough therapy for overcoming anxiety, stress and trauma, Hypnotherapy, HBLU (Healing from the Body Level Up), NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and PreCognitive ReEducation. She is authorized to teach the Enneagram, EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy), TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), TM (Transcendental Meditation), HRM (Heart Rhythm Meditation), Integrative Rebirthing, Kundalini Yoga, ESP, and Astrology. She is also trained in Matrix Work, NET (NeuroEmotional Technique), IET (Integrated Energy Therapy), NEAT (Neuro Emotional Antisabotage Technique), BSFF (Be Set Free Fast), energetic toxin and allergy treatments, CSIM (Critical Stress Incident Management), Focusing, EK (Educational Kinesiology), Remote Viewing, Reiki, IET (Integrative Energy Therapy) and other transformational approaches.
Fortunately, Kalie was able to travel and study with spiritual teachers and holistic leaders from all over the world. She received her master’s degree in clinical social work from the University of Iowa where she specialized in Individual, Marriage, Family and Group Therapy. For her master’s thesis, she researched the cause of authentic change, integrating quantum physics with metaphysics and the human systems theory. Her research demonstrated that a person’s state of mind can cause significant physical effects, which made headlines in “The Brain/Mind Bulletin“, a national scientific publication. As a contributing editor, her articles were featured in “Miracles” magazine. You may have seen other articles in “New Visions Magazine.” Kalie was ordained as an Interfaith minister in 1996 at St. John the Divines in New York City, graduating from The New Seminary where she later completed graduate training.
Treat yourself to a private session with Kalie Marino and enjoy her loving and innovative approach to your life issues. She sees individuals, couples and families for a relationship and life transition issues, performance enhancement, spiritual emergency, trauma & pain relief, PTSD, fears, phobias, anxiety, depression, and grief. She also helps people apply spiritual principles to their lives to find deeper, more lasting solutions to everyday challenges.
Kalie is a licensed PA social worker.
to contact Kalie - (website) (email)