Colleen Paraboschi on Rainbow Meditation (Video Clip)

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About Colleen Paraboschi

Spiritual Awakening

My journey began eight years ago when I was sitting in my home and this really large Angel showed up taking over the whole room. He was two stories tall and literally put his face up to mine. I was totally speechless wondering what had happened. Because I had no background with Angels or Reiki or anything that was non-traditional in spirituality, I realized that it was the Archangel Michael only after typing in “angels” on the Internet.

Within months I found myself at a four-day retreat with Amma (The Hugging Saint) and then the 13 Grandmothers…It was a huge leap of faith from my traditional upbringing. Shortly thereafter, I began to receive guidance about traveling to various sacred sights at specific times. Often when I would get to a location, I would “coincidentally” meet shaman that would help me to do the work as necessary. Sometimes I would have visions of places and be guided to find people who would assist me. And sometimes I would be there on my own, trusting it was the right place.

I have traveled all around the world performing ceremony and co-creating the new grid matrix for the New Earth. You are invited to experience some of the sights I have traveled to and enjoy the stories of my journeys at my “sacred sites” portion of this website.

Language of Light

In 2010 I spontaneously began to speak the Language of Light and also to write it and to sign it. It is now an integral part of me and is a strong vibrational component enhancing all of my services. When I speak Language of Light people are receiving vibrational instruction. Sometimes I translate at and sometimes I do not. Often people begin to speak it themselves after hearing it spoken. It is vibrational in nature so it activates different things within people. I often use Language of Light in Ceremony and calibration. I also create crystal grids and activate crystal skulls as part of the ascension plan.

Who Are My Guides

In the local universe, I often work with the Galactic Council of Elder and the creator being Thoth and the Elohim and others. I am shown that the Galactic Council of Elders is akin to our U.N. as it is made up of various members from different star systems who are coordinating (among others) our current ascension plan. I also have a strong connection with the Angelic Realms as Archangel Michael is often with me. I also find Mary (Mother of Jesus) a strong presence in my life reminding me of the virtues of love and compassion.

Just recently my guides have urged me to become more visible with my multi-dimensional work. I offer various workshops locally at events and meet up groups and will continue to do so as the emerging energies are constantly shifting the earth and humanity. I am happily married for more than 20 years and the mother of four children. I am also a Certified Chair Yoga teacher and avid Kundalini Yoga practitioner and Vice President on the Board of the non-profit organization Awaken, dedicated to promoting spiritual growth in the community.

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