Kate Curran with www.spiritualfitnessonthego.com

You are going about your day and it’s beyond a full day. Yoga is something you chose to put in your life and you realize you just won’t be able to fit in to your schedule. No guilt, no remorse or worries you know somehow you are going to take care of you, because you know if you don’t care of you no-one else will. You are now done contemplating and arrange things in your schedule where you could find 20 minutes. A few minutes early here and a few minutes late there, you have a device on yourself (phone, computer, tablet etc) and you go to …..the (park, office, home or friends). You are excited you found the time for you to do the office chair yoga from Spiritual Fitness On The Go. Afterwards you are saying to yourself I love Kate Curran’s quick, easy, office chair yoga its perfect for me “my clothes don’t get wrinkled”, “I don’t sweat”, “oh this was so worth it”, “I feel so much better and relaxed” and there is a smile on your face. Office chair is for everyone, anytime of the day. Its funny how things work out, the appointment you were early for is either done early or cancels and the one your going to be late for is running late. Why stress and trust taking care of yourself is most important and everything from your day will fall into place. Office chair yoga revitalizes your energy, reduces stress and you feel great.

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