LISAonthego Food vs Taste – Do you eat for the taste or to fulfill the feeling in the stomach? Is it hunger you experience or the taste you require?
LisaOnTheGo has worked at shaping up and changing her eating habits in the past year. During a conversation with a friend, why do you eat? Are you hungry? Wanting a taste or mouthful of flavor? Wanting the feeling of fullness? Filling the hunger clue from your system?LisaOnTheGo had contemplated this, wow, she has not heard of anyone talking about these subjects. She is concluding though what you eat could play a role in your weight however overall it’s about your reasons for that next bite or meal or snack.
So is it about the hunger, stomach fullness or the taste in our mouths? For LisaOnTheGo today it is about the moment of how she is feeling, does she want that comfort food? A quick meal so the hunger doesn’t kick in? Something sweet; tasty and fun? She believes the emotion you are feeling affects your choice in what you would like to eat; wanting that instant gratification. However, having the satisfying taste may not fulfill the hunger or stomach desires and vice a versa.
You don’t like your choices or one fulfills taste and not the stomach, starts choosing different foods and notices what is well balanced for you. When we eat that is fulfilling to our taste and stomachs we are in balance, grounded, better moods, feel good about ourselves and move forward with our days of love, laughter, and peace.
Have a great day! LisaOnTheGo
What does anger get you? Do you get to be right? Do you get to speak your thoughts loudly so others hear you? Do you keep your anger in, not express it and feel ill? Do you feel on fire? Here is another question; what angers you? A should have, should of, should have been; something said to you; an action you didn’t approve? Someone else telling you, you are wrong, laughing at you when it is something meaningful to you, taking something that is yours? In your anger did you react, react haphazardly and then feeling bad, guilt, negative emotions.
We all have experienced anger; then look back at our reactions, emotions, thought process and take the time to analyze what just happened. The end results it all looks negative right? Wrong, let's look at this positively.
LisaOnTheGo feels that anger brings the importance of the subject or situation for you and this matters to you. It is a signal for something to change. When you and others see your emotions and understand it matters to you; this is when most situations, subjects could start getting resolved. When you calm down then communication could begin; people are heard and understood to make a change.
What If others are not willing to communicate and resolve the subject or situation that you find is important to you, what could you do? Learn to love and accept you for who you are and not what others think. LisaOnTheGo says you could understand the importance of the subject or situation for you and walk away, don't put yourself in that position again etc. Let's hear from you. Have a great day!
Love, Laughter & Peace, LisaOnTheGo or
#LISAonthego with
(Come read, listen or watch LISAonthego Stories Blog, below)
Stories, LisaOnTheGo Blogger. LisaOnTheGo is so good at telling stories in her mind. You know the continuous stories with all the glories and emotions.
How about you? It happens to all of us it is the nature of the mind. Stories are stories they tell the events of an occurrence and it doesn’t resolve anything. The stories continue in our minds with; they said, I said, he said, she said and what if I did xyz. You tell the story again and again in your mind on all the angles. However, this keeps the story alive, a story has energy and the next thing you know a different story occurs with the same issue and again. Why because the now the story has power.
We aren’t even aware until months or even years later when we have had enough and take the time to sit quietly and go within. Then at this point starts the healing process start and we start taking the power back.
Take that story occurring in your life right now. Label it, identify it, describe the emotion and let it go. This is you taking your power back and understanding for you the story. Lets do this together. Take the story you could keep telling yourself and go to the charts below. Choose the chart that resonates for you for this L.I.D.E. Now label your story, now identify it, and now describe the emotion. Now you understand what this story means to you, you now have the power over the story and not the story having power over you. This works amazingly well and helps to bring peace into your life.
Have a great day! Love, Laughter & Peace, LisaOnTheGo
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Now looking back this is so true for Winnie the Pooh and the gang.
Wow, to be truly accepted for who you are, what could that look like? #LISAonthego has met people they tell stories, hide things for being in fear of other judgments. What if we allowed people to see our genuine selves? Who we are, our authentic selves: loving, kind, caring, supportive, smiley, giggly, has fun etc and in addition to what we are how; we dress, makeup, clothes, jobs etc. People to know us, understand us for who we are. LisaOnTheGo calls this being at peace and surrounded by love.
We could learn how to motivate them. Most of the gang is upbeat, energized and fun. It appears they allow Eeyore to voice his concerns, understand where he is coming from, appreciates and acknowledges him. However when the friends carefully, gently explain the benefits in what they are doing, most do conform. This is awesome for Eeyore he is understood, loved and included. Acceptance of who and what he is!
We could all be so lucky! Have a great day. LisaOnTheGo
by LISAonthego Blog, copyright 2016, This article is by Berkeley University of California Wellness
Today's blog is feedback on this inspiring article. Read the article first, you will find interesting, informative and detailed. Would love your feedback too.
LisaOnTheGo Blogger had a huge lesson today. She had never thought of experiences vs things and saw this article This gave some concrete definitions experiences vs things along with graphs.
LisaOnTheGo is digesting the first part of the picture. 50% is genetics what you are born with pertaining to your happiness, interesting. LisaOnTheGo wants to go within with this concept because of all her tools and activities she uses from Spiritualfitnessonthego has changed that the % could change too. Also, some of the other numbers don't resonate either and would love to learn more.
Read, watch or listen for the rest of this blog at
Berkeley University of California Wellness
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LisaOnTheGo always wants to think the answers are out there and that everyone else has better answers or the knows the answers. The experts, professionals, friends, family, bosses etc. and in truth, it's not true.
The people in our lives play important roles too, they ultimately teach us about us. You are now with another person in a situation, comment, or event by engaging; we are learning about our beliefs, who we are and ourselves.
LisaOnTheGo is learning that by engaging helps us to understand ourselves, or have that AAHH moment where it clicks you get the understanding for you.
In truth, no one could make us think a specific way, act a specific way, be a specific way, they could try to persuade us and ultimately it is our choice. LisaOnTheGo feels this is the huge difference from childhood to adulthood, as a child we perceive our parents, authority etc. could have these choices for us and as an adult, we learn it is us that have these choices. It is for us to learn about us, what we think, what we have a thought about and we could change. Our thinking and thoughts are to be who we want to be.
However, our everyday engagements in our everyday life give us the feedback for us to contemplate, process and to move forward in our life. The engagements help to teach us and show us what we want to know or who we want to be.
Ultimately though all of the answers for ourselves are within ourselves. It's taking the pause in our lives, going within and learning what resonates for us. It's listening to our spiritual heart and following our paths for us.
Have a great day. Love, Laughter & Peace, LisaOnTheGo
The photo quote "I am so glad friends don't come with a price tag" "I could never afford the wonderful friends I got" was on Facebook.
This had LisaOnTheGo thinking. Her thoughts, what do we pay for that we need aside from the survival needs? Buying things are nice, it’s materialistic, makes life easier.
Then there times when life throws the curve balls, trips us up in life. These are the times when these moments, life events come back to our mind and put a smile on LisaOnTheGo's face and give her the strength to move forward. To all her wonderful, fabulous family; friends and acquaintances thank you for being priceless and in LisaOnTheGo's life.
You know how you get together with people you talk about an event or situation where you are all present and yet we all remember something different or a different perception. So, when you are in someone's company you don’t know what that times mean or that event, situation or comment and how it will affect, impact, embrace or encourage another life or your own; and later on this could put a smile on your face.
In conclusion, the things, moments, people in our lives that don’t cost us anything is priceless to LisaOnTheGo.
Have a great day. Love, Laughter & Peace, #LISAonthego
by LISAonthego Blogger, copyright 2016,
I Am, Changing, Retreat, Spiritual Enlightenment, Friends Family Priceless
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LisaOnTheGo you have the power, love it. Today was a fun day.LisaOnTheGo met a friend that represented an angel for her today. She gifted her The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy red shoes, and a snowman.
The snowman is a reminder to have fun, play and laugh. The red shoes say “you don’t need to be helped any longer” “you have always had the power”. This was gifted to LisaOnTheGo and she gifts this to you too.
Dorothy’s red shoes are that reminder to focus within, what do you want? Now take the actions and go get it.LisaOnTheGo is in the zone, focusing and taking action. For all of us to see the best we could be with the tools, activities and infamous LisaOnTheGo Blogs with and
It's about the power within us that we already have and reaching for to take the actions to make it happen. It is an exciting time and an achievement within oneself that we don’t express and yet so proud of ourselves. This is an accomplishment for us, it boosts our self-esteem, gives us hope to move forward and take the next steps to the next moments, to the next minutes, to the next hours, etc. It's our own ambitions that we set for us that makes giggle inside, show our smile and embrace the day.
LISAonthego is learning to have more of these days and that she has the power the same as you. Let's embrace the day, acknowledge we have the power, visualize the red shoes and enjoy the day!
Love, Laughter & Peace LisaOnTheGo
by LISAonthego Blog, copyright 2016,
#I Am, #Changing, #spiritual #enlightenment, #retreat, your #power
DIAGNOSED WITH AN ILLNESS? HAVING SYMPTOMS, in treatment, STRESSED, ANXIETY; We are here to help with tools and activities. Yoga classes, listen to: Guided Meditations, Inspired Speakers, A Course in Miracles lessons, LISAonthego blog