LisaOnTheGo Blogger, Ballpark
LisaOnTheGo Blogger, Ballpark
LisaOnTheGo Blogger Ballpark. Life throws us curve balls and its how we hit them back that counts. #LisaOnTheGo likes to hit her baseballs head on and out of the park. One and done.
When the ball the go fouls its a re-do and she believes it is testing us to see if we understand the lesson. Therefore, LisaOnTheGo chooses one and done, however it doesn't always go this way.
Then there is something called Karma.
LisaOnTheGo interpretation is the pattern keeps arising in different situations until we learn the lesson. Karma is tough, the curve balls keep coming one after another, same pattern, different situation, and events. When its Karma and meant to be that you are going to learn the lesson, it means you are going to learn the lesson. Amazing how the pattern keeps appearing. We may not recognize the pattern at first. However, when the issues keep arising, its time to go within and take a look. See the familiarity in the events, situations, and events. Now try to understand and learn the pattern.
Some patterns are quick and others could take a lifetime.
When LisaOnTheGo has learned the lesson, she could find her peace and forgives herself and others. Just because she forgives doesn't mean she keeps playing with the same drama, stories or the people. It means she has choices to change and choose what is best for her. This concept is easier to understand than to go through.
For LisaOnTheGo you make it look easy compared to her.
LisaOnTheGo is not good at playing the drama and stories. Her emotions get in the way and she takes things personally. Therefore going in quietly helps her to calm down and see the game being played. Life isn't always throwing the curve balls, sometimes, they're easy to hit and go out of the park. However, if you are feeling stuck like LisaOnTheGo and having challenges then its time to choose another way to obtain the results wanted. LisaOnTheGo likes the baseball thrown a little high and then she swings and its a great hit in play.
When she gets on base that's awesome she has made a good decision for herself and as she progresses to 2nd base, 3rd base and home-plate this is being on path meant for her.
Home runs are meant to be, it's about time she saw the ball and hit it squared on out of the park. The fouls and caught baseballs are the mistakes to retake.
Life is like a baseball game just follow the rules and understand them, find your peace, forgive and you are a winner of the game. Sounds easier than it is to play. Good luck in your game of baseball.
Have a great day! Love, Laughter & Peace, LisaOnTheGo
LISAonthego Blogger
#I Am, #Changing, #Retreat, #Spiritual Enlightenment, #Blogger
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