LISAonthego; Worried? Does it Matter?
(Please read, watch or listen to video below)
LISAonthego; Worried? Does it Matter?
Great question! Watched an awesome movie Bridge Spies by Steven Spielberg and this line came up several times. Worried? Does it Matter? LISAonthego has been pondering this and loves this line.
Worried? Does it Matter? below the text is the video to watch or listen
What is worry? LISAonthego’s interpretation is an event and or a situation that has not occurred yet. In our minds, we imagine the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s the ego having a field day. The upcoming event or situation is being played again and again in our minds. In truth the ego will never have an answer, the ego arrives at these theories or stories and we then change it again and again. It is put to rest when our hearts, the spiritual minds let it go. We think we have control and could control an outcome and we can’t? In a matter of fact, how often in your life does the outcome come out as you imagined?
Do your Thoughts Play out the Way you think it could?
LISAonthego’s ego mind rarely goes the way she thinks, things happen that she never had anticipated and shows her another way of seeing life. Being on the path is teaching LISAonthego to live in the moment and embracing life. Watching the movie; seeing this question; Worried? Does it Matter? and the answer played out Worried? Does it Matter? This teaches us we don’t know. There was no way to know the outcome or anticipate it, regardless what and where our ego minds take us. They are variables that come into play every day that we aren’t aware of that could make a difference.
LISAonthego would say our emotions, create our thoughts, our thoughts create a manifestation that energizes into a reality, therefore she suggests be positive, clear, detailed and knows it will most likely be something different. You will know; when you will know and not a moment sooner.
Love, Laughter & Peace, LISAonthego with Spiritualfitnessonthego
by LISAonthego Blog, copyright 2015,
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#OPEN your heart, #RELAX your body, #EASE your thoughts