LISAonthego Bitchology. Be yourself and believe in you! #LISAonthego is proud to be a "bitch" lol, love it. Why when we are true to ourselves we are then criticized. Why can't we be who we are and not be labeled. Does labeling dictate who you are? Where is the balance on criticism, taking care of others, being called a victim or taking care of ourselves and being called a bitch. Today is the day to be proud to be you, who you are and trust, believe in yourself? Why do we believe others are so right and know what is so best for us? Here is the cosmic joke, others do not know what is best for us, nor do they know our lessons here on earth, nor do they know the core inner beauty of us, that is for us to learn and know. That is why we are here to learn and love ourselves, what makes your heart sing? What activities do you like, enjoy and have fun? Are you earning your living doing what you love and loving what you do? or earning your living because you could, is this being true to yourself? LISAonthego says it is time for a change and to start encouraging and supporting help others. Yes it could be helpful to talk about your perceptions of the good, the bad and the ugly. This is to give the whole picture that one perceives to have on the facts and knowledge so you, yes you could make an informed choice. However, take all the information surrounding you, go within and follow your heart. This is your path and do where you are led and yes this is called being a "bitch" now be proud and label yourself a "bitchology". You are being true to yourself, lovingly, listening and taking care of you. Have a great day! Love, Laughter & Peace, LISAonthego


author of Bitchology unknown

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