LISAonthego Alone Time?

(YouTube video below text)

LISAonthego Alone Time? LISAonthego are you feeling alone?

We all have those times that we feel alone and you just don’t understand. Feeling we are on different paths and that the degree of our aloneness is measured by our circumstances. We have those alone feelings because our surroundings are real quiet for the time being or life has thrown the curve-ball and we are being self-absorbed. In reality there is no degree of our aloneness, this is our in own mind and technically either surroundings or being self-asborbed are both the same.

LISAonthego says it is because we are not involved with something that is entertaining to our minds. When we keep our minds busy and distracted; life takes it steps forwards easier. Not better or worse just taking one step forwards on our paths. Sometimes we take the steps by the seconds, then by the minutes, then by the hour and next you know the steps taken completed the day, the month and some time has past.

Alone time moving slow

Alone time is keeping the mind busy, whether we feel like it or not.


How do you keep your mind busy whether due to your surroundings being quiet or your mind is being self-absorbed by thoughts?

These are the times LISAonthego goes within and she is learning to ask what does she feel like doing? Does she want to accomplish a task to simplify her life? Example, cleaning, laundry, errands etc., or, Does she feels like being with other people? She then calls a friend on the phone, meet a friend for a meal or goes alone and enjoys the atmosphere, or does she work? Go for a walk? Read? take a class???

Ultimately they are many choices.

She is learning to remember we always have choices. LISAonthego the night before while doing her evening chores will plan on her next day’s events. She will review her calendar and project what she would like to accomplish the next day. LISAonthego finds by doing this help to manifest the next day, keeps her mind busy and accomplishes tasks.

In conclusion there is no degree in our own aloneness, whether our surroundings are quiet or we are self-absorbed in an event or circumstance it is all the same. The best deterrent to aloneness is to busy our minds.

Have a great day! Love, Laughter & Peace LISAonthego



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