LisaOnTheGo Believe in Your Career
#LISAonthego believes in her and her career.
When you believe in you then others could too.
In our world, we will find criticism, rejection, and acceptance on any subject. Yet we all fear that criticism from others and others think they know more than us about our careers. Then our inner critic has the time of its life.
That inner critic in us is awesome at beating ourselves up thinking it has others all the answers. Once receiving criticism or rejection the inner critic jumps in on the bandwagon at that moment. LisaOnTheGo is learning to change her thoughts to be positive and ignores that inner critic. Criticism and rejection is fear based in having you believe something that is worst.
It's important to know and believe in who you are, LisaOnThego is passionate about her career and yes we all make mistakes. That is life, we came from perfection and we are here to make the mistakes. However, in truth, criticism and rejection told by others is a judgment. When LisaOnthego has taken her time and her inner critic thoughts are being negative, she consciously changes them to be positive. Now she could replay the criticism or rejection in her mind; she is now in an open frame of mind and could see objectively. Some of the times they're some good messages from others however they are not the professionals in your career or your path and usually key components for the whole picture are amiss. Therefore, go back to the core you, your beliefs in who you are and your career before you react or respond.
In truth believing in you, knowing your passion from your heart and conveying your self-worth gives others the confidence in you and your career.
Have a great day. Love, Laughter & Peace, LisaOnTheGo
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